The Online Regimen

Let’s get started: If you have questions click here for the Contact Form, enter your info and questions, and we’ll send you the link to the New Client Sign Up page. Or click here to make your Paypal payment and we’ll email you the link to the Registration Form for you to complete and submit. Nutrifitness will set up a 30-minute phone consultation with one of our Exercise Physiology Experts. During that call, we will discuss your fitness goals, history with exercise, current habits, and past road blocks. We will also discuss medical and orthopedic history and current status. Our experts will then call your medical provider for any necessary information regarding your care.

Now we’re ready! Your first workout will be sent to you via email. Your exercises, starting weights and rep goals will be filled out in your exercise charts. When you’re at the gym, you will be able to click the exercises listed which will link to a short video clip demonstrating the exercise. Don’t worry! This video will, not only be visual, but will also discuss correct form and what to watch out for. The rest is up to you. You will be able to easily fill in the reps that you’ve completed and any comments you have about each exercise. Then hit submit!

Once you submit that workout, your Nutrifitness expert will receive it and quickly send you your next workout. The reps you’ve completed combined with any comments you’ve shared will determine the increasing challenge of the next workout.

THE CONSULTATION IS FREE. Just sign up for your first three workouts and there’s no charge for the consultation or the calls to your medical team. Workouts are $25 each. You can save money by purchasing 25 workouts for $550 or 50 workouts $1000. Considering custom personal training by a degreed Exercise Physiologist can be $150 or more per workout, this is a no brainer.